Sunday, December 29, 2013

El misterioso caso de los 300.000$ olvidados en un taxi

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Un famoso y anónimo jugador de poker olvidó una bolsa llena de billetes en la parte de atrás de un taxi. Ahora toda la comunidad del poker especula con quién podría ser tan despistado protagonista.

Hace unos días, concretamente la madrugada del 23 al 24 de diciembre en Las Vegas, sucedía algo que al conocerse, ha revolucionado foros, redes sociales y cualquier corrillo en el que sus protagonistas sean personalidades relacionadas con el mundo del poker.

Lo que pasó en Las Vegas, esta vez lo sabe todo el mundo.Lo que pasó en Las Vegas, esta vez lo sabe todo el mundo.

Al parecer, tal y como informó en primera instancia la CNN en su edición digital, un famoso jugador de poker olvidó en el asiento trasero de un taxi una bolsa de papel marrón que contenía nada menos que 300.000$ separados en seis fajos de 50.000$ cada uno.

Todo lo que ha rodeado a esta noticia, la separaremos en dos bloques: los hechos y las especulaciones.

Los hechos

Como decimos, la pasada madrugada del día 23 al 24 del presente, un jugador subía a un taxi en el Casino Cosmopolitan de Las Vegas y solicitaba al conductor que le trasladase al Palms. Al convertirse en destino, dicho pasajero pagaba “la carrera” y le daba 5$ de propina al conductor, quien a la postre se identificaría como Gerardo Gamboa.

Gamboa, conductor de el establecimiento KVVU, una vez finalizado este servicio se dirigía a las puertas del Bellagio a recoger a dos nuevos pasajeros. Al llegar allí, un trabajador abría las puertas del vehículo para dejar pasar a los nuevos clientes, cuando encontraban en el asiento de atrás una bolsa oscura. Al advertir a Gamboa de tal situación, abrían la bolsa y cuál era sus sorpresa al encontrar nada menos que 300.000$ en billetes de 100$.

El taxista, sin dudarlo ni un momento, tomaba a esas tres personas como testigos de que él no había tocado en ningún momento el contenido de la bolsa, y advertía a las autoridades locales del hallazgo. Acto seguido anulaba la última “carrera”y se dirigía al cuartel general de su compañía de taxis, donde la policía ya le esperaba.

El paquete quedó en custodia de las autoridades hasta que su dueño la reclamó. A la postre ha trascendido que quien lo acabó reclamando, era un “famoso jugador de poker”.

Por lo visto, este jugador (del cual no ha trascendido su identidad) llegó desquiciado a las dependencias policiales afirmando que “me estaba volviendo loco. He estado a punto de pegarme un tiro en la cabeza”.

Como es de imaginar, la noticia corrió como la pólvora, apareciendo incluso en los informativos locales, donde el “héroe” del asunto, es decir, Gerardo Gamboa, realizó unas declaraciones asegurando que “simplemente había hecho lo correcto”.

Aunque el jugador en cuestión todavía no ha “agradecido el gesto” al propio Gamboa con una compensación económica, sus jefes sí han querido hacerlo, y le han obsequiado con un cheque de 1.000$, además de una cena para dos personas en un buen restaurante.

Las especulaciones

Una vez que ya hemos conocido todos los detalles sobre lo sucedido en aquella madrugada del 23 al 24 de diciembre, es evidente que la curiosidad nos invita a intentar averiguar de qué jugador se trataba.

Los datos son escasos, así que habrá que tirar de conjeturas y suposiciones. Lo único que se sabe al 100% es que dicho jugador tiene 28 años de edad y llevaba ropa deportiva, y muchos de los habituales de Las Vegas imaginan que se tiene que tratar de uno de los November Nine.

Este perfil solo lo cumplen dos jugadores, o al menos eso se creía. Jay Farber era uno de ellos, pero pronto se ha descartado ya que, tenía 28 años al comenzar el Main Event de las WSOP, pero no en la actualidad. Además, el propio interesado ya lo ha negado mediante las redes sociales.

Así pues, solo queda un candidato: Mark Newhouse.

Aunque a Newhouse es más habitual verle en las inmediaciones de La (es un habitual de las partidas de cash del Commerce), algunos residentes en Las Vegas aseguran haberle visto en la ciudad durante estas fechas.

Teniendo en cuenta esto, y que su premio en el Main Event fue de 733.224$, imaginamos que para él, si hubiera perdido casi la mitad de ese premio (300.000$) sí que sería motivo suficiente como para plantearse “pegarse un tiro”.

Además, a Newhouse siempre se le ha visto luciendo ropa de deporte y hospedándose en el Palms durante la celebración de las WSOP.

¿Podría ser él la “cenicienta” de esta historia? Seguramente nunca lo sabremos al 100%, pero ¿y lo divertido que es jugar a ser Sherlock Holmes?

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Craps Understand Dice Odds -Casino Gambling

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Understanding Dice Odds

Last time I MENTIONED the basics of playing craps. With the intention to play the sport you obviously need dice. You also need an understanding of the dice and the percentages and probabilities of rolling the numbers.

In the films you will discover the players picking up the dice and rolling them together of their hands before allowing them to fly down the table as they scream, "Baby needs a brand new pair of brogues"! or every other wild chant. That is fine in the flicks nevertheless it isn't allowed within the casino. If you find yourself on the tables you are just allowed to deal with the dice with one hand.

Dice are now precision instruments manufactured to very strict specifications. They're inspected for any flaws equivalent to nicks of chips before being installed to play. Rubbing them together or other rough handling can damage dice. If the dice are thrown off the table they need to be checked before being put back into play. The common lifetime of a couple of dice is purely about eight hours.

Let's have a look the dice.

Dice are cubes about three quarters of an inch square. One alone is called a die. Each die has spots called "pips" totaling a host from one to six on both sides. In the event you add the corresponding sides you're going to get the number seven. The side with six pips can have one pip at the opposite side. Two and five are on corresponding sides as are the 3 and 4. Since each die has six sides and the sport is played with two dice, there are 36 (6 x 6) combinations that may be made giving totals of 2 through twelve.

Take a glance on the Dice Chart

dice chart .You will see that there's just one strategy to make the numbers two (1 and 1) and twelve (6 and six.) There are two how you can make the number three: (2 and 1) and (1and 2). If it lets you understand the combinations, picture a blue and a red die. You might have primary at the red and two at the blue, or number two on the red and primary at the blue. There are two how one can make the 3 and eleven. There are 3 ways to make the four and ten. There are four how you can make the five and nine. There are five how you can make the six and 8. There are six how you can make the seven.

By knowing how the numbers are made, you'll be able to calculate the chances of making any number before the seven is rolled. For the reason that number 7 may also be rolled six ways, you divide the number six by the selection of ways a bunch is rolled .

Number # how one can roll True Odds


2 to 1



3 to 2



6 to 5



3 to 2



2 to 1

Once you recognize the chances and chances of the dice, you're on your way to mastering the sport of craps.

Until next time, remember: "Luck comes and goes...Knowledge stays forever."

Previous Features

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Slot Club Cards

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Essentially the most valuable card within the casino isn't found on any of the tables. It's the “Comp Card” and you'll find it on the players club. Often referred to as Slot Club Card, this little piece of plastic is worth much more than the common player might think.

Years ago only the table players were those to receive a Comp that's short for complimentary. This can be a type of rebate the casino returns to you to your loyalty. It could actually are available in the shape of free meals, rooms or shows. Within the last 15 years the casinos have come to comprehend that the slot players are the “Bread and Butter” of the casino business. They make more benefit from the machines than the table games. Years ago table games account for almost all of the casinos profits. No 75-80 % of the profit comes from slot players.

The “Slot Clubs” were born in Atlantic City within the early 1980’s when the casinos there have been looking for the way to keep players from hopping from one casino to the following. By offering a reward for his or her loyalty they were in a position to keep the player coming back. Now slot clubs are present in most major casinos. The cards aren't only for slots. Most casinos combine the table games and slot machines into one player’s card.

Everyone can earn comps that include, rooms, food, shows, and occasionally a cash rebate. By signing up for a card additionally, you will be eligible to receive details about special promotions that can be happening at your favorite casino. Earning comps is some way of having something extra for you casino dollar. But you can’t get them when you don’t have a card.

It amazes me to peer people sinking their money right into a machine without having a card inserted within the card reader. I'VE occasionally asked people why they don’t use a card and feature received several different answers.

The most typical answer is: “I don’t play enough to earn anything.” You could be surprised to look how quickly points can add up. Most players sit at a machine and can put back the small wins into the machines. The casinos call this “Churn”. It’s not uncommon to churn hundreds of bucks through a machine in an hours playing time. Why not get some extra return on those hundreds.

Another misconception I hear from players is: “When I EXPLOIT my card the machine knows and doesn’t pay off.”. That is probably probably the most common myth that players believe. There is not any connection between the cardboard reader and the slot machine. There is not any WAY that using a card will affect the way in which a machine pays.

Other players tell me they're afraid to enroll because they don’t wish to give out their address to the casino. The casino cannot send you any promotions in the event that they don’t have your address. I DON'T hesitate to sing up for a card whenever I visit a brand new casino. I'M surprised on the amount of offers that come my way every couple of weeks. Many casinos also are using the similar card for slots and table games. For those who play both, that is may help your rating. The most productive advice is to enroll and use your card. NEVER put a single coin within the machine until after getting inserted your card. Receives a commission to play!

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Daniel Negreanu, ¿personaje del año?

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El canadiense ha hecho méritos de sobra para ser considerado como una de las personalidades más influyentes del año en el mundo del poker, sino la que más. ¿Quién puede hacerle sombra en 2013?

Con la Nochevieja a punto de convertirse en todas las casas españolas (y del mundo) es el momento de echar la vista atrás a todo lo sucedido a lo largo de este 2013 que está llegando a su fin, y valorar cuáles han sido los personajes más influyentes de los últimos 12 meses.

Daniel tiene motivos de sobra para acabar el año con una sonrisa.Daniel tiene motivos de sobra para acabar el año con una sonrisa.

Algo así ha hecho Nollan Dalla, reputado escritor y Director de Comunicación de las WSOP durante varios años. MEDIANTE su blog personal, Dalla ha analizado las 10 personalidades más influyentes del año, llegando a la decisión de que Daniel Negreanu merece el honorífico título de “Personaje del año”.

Antes de explicar cuáles son los motivos que llevan a Nollan Dalla para convertirse en esa conclusión, echemos antes un vistazo a cuáles son sus otros nueve “finalistas”.

Sheldon Adelson: ha sido la persona relacionada con la industria del poker que más efectivo ha amasado a lo largo de 2013, pero más allá de sus éxitos empresariales, si por algo ha estado Adelson en el foco mediático (dejando al margen el caso Eurovegas en nuestro país) ha sido por su declarado rechazo al poker online, y eso que Nollan Dalla no es que haya sido precisamente un apoyo para las intenciones del magnate americano.

Joe Barton: el congresista tejano ha sido a lo largo de 2013 uno de los personajes que más ha hecho para conseguir una legalización del poker y el juego online en Estados Unidos, si bien con dudoso éxito. Los textos redactados de su puño y letra no han tenido resultados visibles hasta la fecha.

Gobernador Chris Christie: tuvo un papel importante en la rutina de legalización del juego online en el estado de New Jersey, si bien algunas voces ponen en tela de juicio su influencia definitiva, al dejarse influir por otras figuras políticas del estado, como fue el caso del senador estatal Ray Lesniak.

Mitch Garber: es el CEO de Ceasars Interactive Entertainment (CIE), el cual se ha convertido a lo largo de 2013 en una de las figuras más poderosas en la industria del juego, tanto americana como mundial.

Loni Harwood: su actuación en las WSOP no pasó desapercibida para nadie. Su escalada desde los torneos más modestos llenó las páginas de la prensa especializada, culminando con uno de los mejores papeles en las Series Mundiales de toda la historia para una mujer. Dalla no tiene ninguna duda de que su techo está aún por conocerse.

Phil Ivey: este año, Ivey brilló más por lo negativo que por lo positivo. Sus resultados no estuvieron a la altura de lo que se espera de un jugador como él, quien pareció más centrado en su aplicación “Ivey Poker” que en su juego en las mesas, si bien es cierto que todavía a día de hoy, muchos no saben cuáles son sus intenciones reales sobre dicho negocio.

John Pappas: aunque la Poker Players Alliance (PPA) es una asociación con un transfundo un tanto irregular y a veces con dudosas intenciones, Pappas ha hecho muchos esfuerzos durante este año para mantener unido a este colectivo. Para Nollan Dalla, la continuidad de este personaje en la industria del poker, es de importancia capital en un futuro no muy lejano.

Ryan Riess: su victoria en el Main Event de las WSOP no dejó indiferente a nadie, tal vez más por sus declaraciones posteriores que por su triunfo propiamente dicho.

Matt Savage: para mí es una de las personas más influyentes del poker actual, sobre todo si nos centramos en el mundo de los torneos. No considero que nadie dude que Savage merece estar entre este selecto grupo de personalidades más influyentes.

Una vez vistos los nueve personajes elegidos por Nollan Dalla para este título honorífico, es hora de analizar los datos que el autor de esta entrada considera para nombrar a Daniel Negreanu como persona más influyente del año en el mundo del poker.

Lo cierto es que es difícil rebatir la opinión de Dalla, pues consideramos que Negreanu ha hecho méritos de sobra para ganarse esta distinción. No solo por haber ganado dos brazaletes de las WSOP a lo largo del año y por haber acumulado más de 3,1 millones de dólares en ganancias, sino por muchas otras cosas que han mantenido al canadiense en primera línea de fuego a lo largo de los últimos doces meses.

Siempre desde un punto de vista muy particular e independiente, Negreanu ha demostrado tener una opinión propia sobre los temas más candentes de la actualidad. Sin ir más lejos, fue uno de los más críticos con la norma “First Card” aprobada por la TDA con Matt Savage a la cabeza.

También Negreanu ha encabezado durante casi todo el año los principales rankings de jugadores internacionales. A última hora se le escapó el POY por la GPI en favor de Ole Schemion, finalista en el EPT de Praga hace unos días, pero en cambio, otros rankings como el POY WSOP o el que confecciona la revista Bluff Magazine, sí acabaron con el canadiense en lo más alto de la clasificación.

Si a todo esto, sumamos el papel que Negreanu desempeña como  embajador del poker, siempre activo en las redes sociales, videoblogs o mostrándose cercano a los muchos aficionados que en multitud de ciudades se acercan a él para pedir una foto, un autógrafo o simplemente para comentar una anécdota graciosa, hacen del canadiense un claro merecedor del honorífico título de “Personaje del año 2013”. 

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Gambling Superstitions

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Two gamblers were talking. One turned to the opposite and asked, “Are you superstitious?”

His friend replied, “I was once but then I heard it was unlucky so I stopped.”

Gamblers are some of the superstitious people on the planet and they'll do anything to enhance their probabilities of winning. If it is carrying a lucky charm or doing some type of ritual before or during their gambling sessions, they're going to try numerous things to persuade lady luck to grin on them. Psychologists have done many studies into the connection between gambling and superstitions.

The conclusions of several of those studies show that superstitions can develop in lots of gamblers and become a basis for future gambling sessions. If the player has won, he looks at what transpired throughout the winning session. That is where a player may decide that a piece of writing of clothing or every other activity was “responsible” for his or her success. Likewise if a player loses, he'll look to peer what will have caused his misfortune. If a player has one or two losing sessions with a specific dealer, they will develop a sense that the dealer is unlucky and unbeatable.

Not all superstitions are developed by personal observations and lots of gamblers just buy into the prevailing beliefs which have been passed down during the ages. They will decide to believe that something is unlucky and avoid it as not to tempt fate. Others may test a superstition only to find a self fulfilling a prophecy with their actions. For those who think it's unlucky to take a seat along with your legs crossed while playing poker and also you do it, you can also just lose because subconsciously you are expecting to lose. If you happen to do lose, it'll only reinforce the belief.

Many gamblers have what I LOVE to consult as “selective amnesia.” We only remember those events that correspond to our own personal beliefs. Many gamblers have come to believe one of the most gambling superstitions because they have got heard others repeat them. The next are a number of the most typical gambling superstitions.

Popular Gambling SuperstitionsMany gamblers feel that it's unlucky to go into a casino in the course of the main entrance. Years ago the MGM in Las Vegas was themed after the MGM film studios and the principle entrance was throughout the mouth of the huge MGM lion. Many superstitious players wouldn't enter the casino by going into the mouth of the lion. They considered it a double curse to stroll into the mouth of the beast along side the truth that it was the primary entrance to the casino.

Many gamblers believe that $50 bills are unlucky and they'll not accept being paid with them. There are several casinos I'VE visited that don't give out $50 bills from the cage when players profit their chips. The casinos that do use $50 bill often find that gamblers will refuse them as payment. Some people also regard the 2 dollar bill as unlucky and this would explain why the varied attempts to bring them back into general circulation have failed.

Never count your money while you're playing is a typical belief. Kenny Rogers even immortalized this idea in his song the Gambler when he sang. “You never count your money while you sitting on the table, there’ll be time of enough for counting when the dealings done.”

That brings up another superstition that singing or whistling while you're gambling is bad luck. If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they are attempting to stay cheerful in difficult circumstances so perhaps this has carried over into the thinking that it may not be done while gambling.

You desire to wear red clothing while gambling is an Asian superstition that have been popularized within the film Kung Fu Mahjong. Some players have a favourite color that they are going to wear while they gamble to cause them to feel lucky.

Don’t cross your legs while playing otherwise you will “cross out your good luck”. (THIS MIGHT explain why they make those seats so just about the slot machines. I never have room to cross my legs although I USED TO BE not afraid that it might bring me bad luck.)

Harmless FunEven though we claim to not be, most folks have one or two superstitions we sign up for while gambling. 80 percent of the gamblers who responded to a survey said that they believed in superstitions or performed some type of lucky ritual while gambling. So long as you don’t let your superstitions control you, believing in something so that it will bring you good luck can actually be beneficial. In case you feel lucky you may be happy and feature a more enjoyable time when you play.

Are you superstitious? Do you suspect in any gambling superstitions? Share your thoughts and superstitions here.

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Play New Online Roulette Games 360

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In the event you be a roulette enthusiast it will you would like to you to pay attention to that enjoying a roulette activity in no time is much simplier and easier than it pre-owned to get. The existence with the the internet has given a much more comfortable and similarly productive system for visitors to take part within the sport. [&]
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Slot Machine Tips At no cost 360

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It is going to be organic for casino people to have interaction in slot devices to ambigu their financial resources. There exists no precise top secret to earn in slot devices. You’re in a position to only know learn to raise your probability of successful considerable. Here are a couple of recommendations on how you can appropriately in [&]
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Se publica el calendario del Latin American Poker Tour

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PokerStars sigue lanzando los calendarios de sus circuitos que arrancan con el último año. Ahora llega el turno del de la séptima temporada del LAPT.

Tras conocer las etapas que formarán los canarios del Estrellas Poker Tour (EsPT) y el United Kingdom and Ireland Poker Tour (UKIPT), la sala de la pica roja sigue dando a conocer más fechas en las que sus torneos adquirirán relevancia a lo largo del 2014 que está a punto de comenzar.

Esta vez la actualidad nos obliga a desplazarnos hasta el continente americano, donde una nueva temporada del LAPT arrancará el siguiente mes de marzo.

El calendario del circuito latino lo formarán seis etapas, recalando éste en países como Chile, Brasil, Panamá, Perú y Uruguay, donde se celebrará la Gran Final.

Pese a que las fechas están cerradas, todavía falta por conocer una de las sedes, la que se celebrará a mediados de septiembre que todavía está pendiente de confirmación.

De esta forma queda cerrado el calendario de la séptima temporada del Latin American Poker Tour.

Calendario LAPT 7SedeFechasBuy-In
Viña del Mar, Chile19-23 marzo$1.550+$150
Sao Paulo, Brasil30 mayo - 3 junioR$3.910+R$490
Panamá Capital, Panamá23-27 julio$1.550+$150
Por confirmar10-14 septiembre$1.550+$150
Lima, Perú15-19 octubre$1.550+$150
Punta del Este, Uruguay26-30 noviembre$2.700+$300

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Casino Cocktail Waitresses Can Earn \$100,000...

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Being a cocktail waitress in a US casino generally is a fun and challenging job, and really well paid. For lots of people, getting a task in casino is a major goal. Casinos are stable places of employment. Casino companies hire many employees for entry-level jobs and are known for hiring from within for jobs higher up the ladder.Cocktail waitress jobs that pay $100,000 are available in casinos!

As with most positions, a cocktail waitress (or waiter) is predicted to be reliable, honest, and an effective worker. Most casinos are 24-7 operations, they never close, they usually can't afford to have unreliable workers. And, an excellent cocktail waitress is essential for the whole happiness of casino patrons.

Why the Job Will also be Great

Many jobs found at casino resorts are entry-level, and workers that prove themselves often move directly to better jobs. However, there are many casinos that hire and train their very own cocktail servers and do not demand previous experience. Similar to a casino dealer who's hired and immediately trained to work at the casino floor, many cocktail waitresses find the pay to be sufficient to maintain them coming back every day with none thoughts of coaching for one more job.

And, like casino dealer jobs, the supervisor jobs usually pay lower than the income earned by their underlings. Yes, dealers and cocktail servers usually make greater than their bosses. Need to know why? As a result of tips.

Pay Scale

Pay scales vary greatly from region to region or even from casino to casino. A small casino would possibly not have nearly as good a benefits package as a bigger property, but since most casinos pay all tip-earning employees with regards to minimum wage, it is the quality of service and the choice of players that influences tip rates.

A cocktail waitress working a small club has an opportunity to get to grasp the players better, see regular guests, and should make an excellent living. On the same time, a server at an incredible property just like the Beau Rivage or the MGM Grand Detroit may make more because there are more players to serve or less; because there's no solution to provide great service with large crowds and never enough servers. After all the quantity of players has a big impact on tips earned. $100,000 Casino Jobs are available in lots of states.

Free Drinks

Another think about earnings and work load will also be whether the valuables serves free drinks or charges for drinks. In the event you only visit Vegas or Nevada casinos, you might be used to getting free drinks. As many as you wish to have until you give way. However, many casinos charge for his or her drinks.

Income levels can vary here too, because within the long run, quality service gets noticed and rewarded probably the most. However, serving drinks that need to be paid for can reduce the selection of drinks served during a shift since the server is making change, not only taking orders and bagging tips.

The Work Load

The work load in any food service job may also be brutal. Cocktail waitresses would possibly not work as hard as a coin loader, but it isn't easy work. Imagine carrying a heavy tray of drinks all night long! And that is the easy part.

Cocktail waitresses are expected to take orders, clean the ashtrays, pick-up empty bottles and glasses, give directions, smile, look glamorous, know the players in addition to the bosses, and have the ability to come again to the bar without forgetting anything.

Once there, they need to visit the server station, tell the bartender all of the orders (in whatever order the bartender wants), clean-up across the station, stay up for the drinks, and come again to the tables or slots before the players think they've been forgotten. And regardless of how briskly they are, the players want faster service.

Servers produce other duties too. Usually, the server has to make or retrieve coffee after which pour the glasses themselves. They must arrange the drinks on their trays to make delivery easy, and so they usually must retrieve cigarettes for guests also. The facility in their co-workers, the bartenders, bar-backs, and fellow servers have much to do with having a happy, successful shift.

As for the pay scale, the advantages package and minimum-wage only go thus far. Cocktail servers could make several hundred dollars each shift in tips! Many servers make over $50 an hour in tokes.

$100,000 a Year Job

That means many cocktail waitresses in casinos are making six figures. A $100,000 a year job that requires no college background and should be an entry-level position is tricky to seek out. In fact there are many servers who find the take home pay to be considerably less. Servers usually split part of their income with their bartenders and the barbacks. And, not every cocktail waitress within the casino can expect to make the similar income.

At many casinos, the servers work their way as much as the most productive positions. A BRAND NEW server may find themselves working the "bus section" or nickle slots, Keno, or the sports book where tipping is lighter than other places.

Excellent servers hope to transport to dollar slot machines and high-limit slot areas and to the table game pits. The high-limit table games are the most productive areas to work, providing the tables have enough players. These guests often think nothing of tipping in green chips ($25 denomination).

Cocktail servers also publish with quite a few stares, in addition to disappointed looks from gamblers who're losing. Turning clear of disgruntled guests without taking anything personally is a novel and significant facet of casino work, especially for cocktail servers.

And, as a last reminder, it's a must to interact with the guests and your co-workers. Customer support is on the heart of most casino jobs these days, and playing to the group is mandatory - and essentially the most profitable. You furthermore mght will need to see in case your new benefits package includes chiropractic care. Carrying those drink trays all night is a difficult job!

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Some casino winnings are taxable, those who are can also be examine here.
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Slot tournaments are highly regarded. They're fun to play and a few of them are an excellent value. play them and the way to research them before you play. Here's what it's a must to find out about slot torunaments.
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New Year's Resolution - Learn More Casino Games

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I always make some more or less New Year's Resolution, and i am successful about as often as most people, probably - I'd say about 20% of the time. Although that isn't a large number, this can be a positive number, so on I'M GOING. Four years ago I WISHED to play broadly speaking Event of the WSOP, didn't quite happen. I played in an early tournament. Three years ago I NEEDED to simply write and play poker, hasn't happened yet. Two years ago I NEEDED to be informed more Spanish. At the moment I WILL BE ABLE TO ask where the toilet is and order beer. Last year I WISHED to complete Vegas and the Mob, somehow I managed that.

This year I'm making my resolution something easy, something many of us should consider: learn some new casino games. While I admit that I DO KNOW just a little a couple of good deal of games, there are a couple of I've never played, and that i are inclined to play the similar games at all times. Not this year. That is the brand new me. That is the year that I sit and play games like Crazy 4 Poker, and Mississippi Stud. And, I WILL think up a brand new system for enjoying craps, because I LIKE craps and want one more reason to play more.

If you've never played craps, how come? Don't let the long table and dozens of bets scare you. It's really an easy game if you take a couple of minutes to be told the fundamentals. If you wish to have the entire rules and bets within the palm of your hand, you could consider reading ABC's of Craps, by Mike Exinger. The book gets right to the purpose: craps is fun, and the percentages are excellent for the player (in the event you avoid the horn). Exinger explains the entire bets, the entire names, and the entire reasons you would like to give it a try. The book's available for $3.99 at Kindle and Smashwords.

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The player at Third base at a blackjack table is the only to behave before the dealer. This player sometimes gets blamed for a table losing.
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Friday, December 27, 2013

How you can Deal and Play Texas Hold'em

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To figure out the winner, the players may use any combination in their two hole cards and the five cards at the "Board" (Table) to form the top five-card hand. A sixth card is nver used to wreck a tie. If two players tie the pot is divided.
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Slot Machine Frequency vs. Payback

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There are two terms related to the slot machines which can be sometimes used interchangeably albeit incorrectly by the players. These are Frequency and Payback.

Payback is the full percentage that a machine will return to the player in the end. These figures are programmed into the machines computer chip and are set by the manufacturer to the specifications that the casino wishes to make use of for that machine. This can be anywhere from 75 to 99 percent. Some states regulate the minimum payback that a machine can return. Machines with a small payback are typically known as tight machines and ones with the upper payback are known as loose machines. Sometimes a casino may advertise that they've the loosest machines on the town. Which means the machines are set with a better payback. Some will even advertise the precise percentage of that a few of their machines as being 98 or 99 percent. Although this doesn’t mean that al in their machines are set to payback this amount. It’s not uncommon to have two of the very same machines side by side set to different paybacks.

Many slot players consult with a machine that isn't paying out as a chilly machine and so they say that the payback for that individual machine is terrible. In essence they're really talking concerning the frequency that the machine is returning coins to them.

Frequency is the proportion of spins so that they can return something to the player. It's in keeping with what number of times each symbol is at the wheel and the way often a winning combination will occur. A machine that has a low hit frequency may only have a winning combination happen one in every ten spins while a high frequency machines can have winning combinations happen on an ordinary of each three or four spins.

Machines with a high hit frequency pay out small wins frequently while machines with a lower hit frequency usually pay out larger wins less frequently. This has no relation to the over all payback of the machine. Machines with a high payback should have an overly low hit frequency as it pays out more for the upper winning combinations. Alternatively you'll be able to have a machine with a lower payback that returns small wins more often.

Many of the brand new multi-coin – multi-line machines have an overly high frequency although you can also not also be getting your a refund in case you have a winning spin. For instance for those who play five lines for one coin each (5 coins) you can get many winning combinations that pays you back two or three coins for a winning combination on one of the most five lines. This machine has a high hit frequency paying back many smaller wins but won't have a high payback overall.

It isn't possible to figure out the precise payback for any given machine within the casino, as that is programmed into the machine. You'll however get a general idea in regards to the frequency of a machine by taking a look at the pay table of the machine. For those who see that there are various combinations that return smaller wins, then this machine will usually have a bigger hit frequency than person who has fewer winning combinations that pay back larger wins.

It is as much as you to figure out if you wish to play a machine that affords you several smaller wins or are you the sort that desires to move for the “Big One”? By taking a look at the pay table you may get a general idea. Although payback percentages are set to go back a collection amount over the long run, anything can happen within the short run. You are unlucky with a high frequency machine otherwise you may get very lucky on a lower frequency machine. Anything can happen. Just keep in mind that playing slot machines need to be considered entertainment so pick one who gives you probably the most fun.

Until next time, remember:"Luck comes and goes...Knowledge stays Forever."

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El misterioso caso de los 300.000$ olvidados en un taxi

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Un famoso y anónimo jugador de poker olvidó una bolsa llena de billetes en la parte de atrás de un taxi. Ahora toda la comunidad del poker especula con quién podría ser tan despistado protagonista.

Hace unos días, concretamente la madrugada del 23 al 24 de diciembre en Las Vegas, sucedía algo que al conocerse, ha revolucionado foros, redes sociales y cualquier corrillo en el que sus protagonistas sean personalidades relacionadas con el mundo del poker.

Lo que pasó en Las Vegas, esta vez lo sabe todo el mundo.Lo que pasó en Las Vegas, esta vez lo sabe todo el mundo.

Al parecer, tal y como informó en primera instancia la CNN en su edición digital, un famoso jugador de poker olvidó en el asiento trasero de un taxi una bolsa de papel marrón que contenía nada menos que 300.000$ separados en seis fajos de 50.000$ cada uno.

Todo lo que ha rodeado a esta noticia, la separaremos en dos bloques: los hechos y las especulaciones.

Los hechos

Como decimos, la pasada madrugada del día 23 al 24 del presente, un jugador subía a un taxi en el Casino Cosmopolitan de Las Vegas y solicitaba al conductor que le trasladase al Palms. Al convertirse en destino, dicho pasajero pagaba “la carrera” y le daba 5$ de propina al conductor, quien a la postre se identificaría como Gerardo Gamboa.

Gamboa, conductor de la organización KVVU, una vez finalizado este servicio se dirigía a las puertas del Bellagio a recoger a dos nuevos pasajeros. Al llegar allí, un trabajador abría las puertas del vehículo para dejar pasar a los nuevos clientes, cuando encontraban en el asiento de atrás una bolsa oscura. Al advertir a Gamboa de tal situación, abrían la bolsa y cuál era sus sorpresa al encontrar nada menos que 300.000$ en billetes de 100$.

El taxista, sin dudarlo ni un momento, tomaba a esas tres personas como testigos de que él no había tocado en ningún momento el contenido de la bolsa, y advertía a las autoridades locales del hallazgo. Acto seguido anulaba la última “carrera”y se dirigía al cuartel general de su compañía de taxis, donde la policía ya le esperaba.

El paquete quedó en custodia de las autoridades hasta que su dueño la reclamó. A la postre ha trascendido que quien lo acabó reclamando, era un “famoso jugador de poker”.

Por lo visto, este jugador (del cual no ha trascendido su identidad) llegó desquiciado a las dependencias policiales afirmando que “me estaba volviendo loco. He estado a punto de pegarme un tiro en la cabeza”.

Como es de imaginar, la noticia corrió como la pólvora, apareciendo incluso en los informativos locales, donde el “héroe” del asunto, es decir, Gerardo Gamboa, realizó unas declaraciones asegurando que “simplemente había hecho lo correcto”.

Aunque el jugador en cuestión todavía no ha “agradecido el gesto” al propio Gamboa con una compensación económica, sus jefes sí han querido hacerlo, y le han obsequiado con un cheque de 1.000$, además de una cena para dos personas en un buen restaurante.

Las especulaciones

Una vez que ya hemos conocido todos los detalles sobre lo sucedido en aquella madrugada del 23 al 24 de diciembre, es evidente que la curiosidad nos invita a intentar averiguar de qué jugador se trataba.

Los datos son escasos, así que habrá que tirar de conjeturas y suposiciones. Lo único que se sabe al 100% es que dicho jugador tiene 28 años de edad y llevaba ropa deportiva, y muchos de los habituales de Las Vegas imaginan que se tiene que tratar de uno de los November Nine.

Este perfil solo lo cumplen dos jugadores, o al menos eso se creía. Jay Farber era uno de ellos, pero pronto se ha descartado ya que, tenía 28 años al comenzar el Main Event de las WSOP, pero no en la actualidad. Además, el propio interesado ya lo ha negado mediante las redes sociales.

Así pues, solo queda un candidato: Mark Newhouse.

Aunque a Newhouse es más habitual verle en las inmediaciones de La (es un habitual de las partidas de cash del Commerce), algunos residentes en Las Vegas aseguran haberle visto en la ciudad durante estas fechas.

Teniendo en cuenta esto, y que su premio en el Main Event fue de 733.224$, imaginamos que para él, si hubiera perdido casi la mitad de ese premio (300.000$) sí que sería motivo suficiente como para plantearse “pegarse un tiro”.

Además, a Newhouse siempre se le ha visto luciendo ropa de deporte y hospedándose en el Palms durante la celebración de las WSOP.

¿Podría ser él la “cenicienta” de esta historia? Seguramente nunca lo sabremos al 100%, pero ¿y lo divertido que es jugar a ser Sherlock Holmes?

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