Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rats Like to Play Slots Too

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Humans aren't the one creatures which can be fooled by slot machines to maintain playing even after losing time and again and again.

A research study from a team in Canada was recently published that shows that rats are only as susceptible as humans to the appearance of winning when playing slot machines. Both rats and those can easily tell wins from losses but near misses feel like winning to humans and rats alike -- a key reason underlying the appeal of slot machines and why people pump such a lot money into them.

Paul Cocker of the University of British Columbia designed the study, which used three flashing lights and a couple of levers associated with a sugar pellet dispenser. When alll three lights lit up, the rats “won” and will press one lever for a pellet. If zero, one, or two lights were lit, the rats would hit a special lever to play again and check out for all three lights and another pellet treat.

The rats quickly learned that zero or one lights meant no treat and would press the lever to spin again, but two lights confused them and ended in them pressing the treat lever after thinkng they'd won. This seemingly simplistic behavior could be very very similar to modern slot machines that incorporate lights and sounds and sliding payouts to simiuate a "win" for a player, when actually the credits they win are lower than what they wagered on that spin.

Cocker took his research a step further and gave a few of his lab rats drugs to dam dopamine D4 receptors of their brains in a region related to pleasure. The untreated rats kept mistaking two lights for a win and a treat while the treated rats were in a position to tell that two lights was a loss, getting no pleasure from a near-miss and the hint of a treat at the next spin.

Don't expect casinos to start out offering drugs to gamblers to block dopamine D4 receptors anytime soon; slots are answerable for the majority of gambling wins for casinos and the gambling industry has spent hundreds of millions of greenbacks in research and development to craft slot machines designed to please and distract players as they're parted from their gambling dollars.

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Read More... [Source: Live Casinos - The Land Based Casinos in Europe]

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